Area Mom Hoping and Praying Homosexual Son Will ‘Get out of Gay Phase’
MIAMI—Continually struggling with the issue for years, telling her son that she respects his decision to be gay, and even reluctantly attending her son’s wedding to his boyfriend Adam Eastman, area mother Ashley Smith is still waiting for her son to repent and be straight.
“Since Jason came out to me 10 years ago, I’ve prayed every day asking the Lord to heal my son so he will marry a beautiful daughter of Heavenly Father in one of His holy temples,” said Sister Smith.

“Jason and Adam have simply made some bad choices in their lives,” said the mother of four. “But they’ll probably both begin a new chapter soon where they stop being gay and choose the right. I know with all of my heart the Lord will take away this trial from my son so he can finally start dating the Sidwells’ daughter.”
While Sister Smith maintains a firm belief that “praying the gay away” will work, all of the Smith children are firmly aware that their mother is deep in denial.
“Mom just doesn’t get it,” said Jason’s brother Hank. “She just thinks that he’s going through some sort of midlife crisis, even though he and Adam just adopted another child and Jason’s never been happier. It’s not like Dad’s any help on this, either.”
When asked, father Dale Smith couldn’t remember attending his son’s wedding, but did remember getting dressed up for some elaborate party thrown by Jason and Jason’s “roommate” Adam. “They are really close friends. In fact, it’s probably going to be hard for them to find celestial companions with all that time they spend together.”