Unrighteous Dominion Leads to Perfect Unity in Nevada Family
SPARKS – Local LDS authorities are reporting that a clever father has managed to subdue his entire family into perfect obedience and love. What is his trick?
Jack Hughes smiles. “You just have to know to use your authority,” he says. “I began to be extremely concerned with the way my family was acting. My daughter started hanging out with her friends late at night. My son got a B in science… a B! How are we supposed to represent our LDS faith with a performance like that?”
Hughes, 37, returned home from work one night and brought up the subject with his wife, who initially was opposed to the idea of forcing their children’s cooperation.
“But all it took was a gentle reminder that he, as the household priesthood leader, held final executive decision in all important matters,” says his wife, Dolly. “And look at us now!”

Discipline began immediately and its efficacy amazed the small family. Jack Hughes admits that figuring out how to coerce his children had everything to do with his religious observance. Family Home Evening quickly became an opportunity for training and correction. Although the children were somewhat apprehensive about the change, a few shouting matches and guilt trips were all it took to help them see the light.
“As second counselor in the Bishopric, I was able to teach a lesson to the Priest’s quorum on education. This provided the perfect chance to have my son read his report card out loud and to explain himself in front of the entire class. A little public humiliation does everybody good,” Jack states.
“Now I focus on school like I should,” says Matthew, 17, who is smartly dressed in a white shirt and tie on this Friday night. “I am so glad I have the chance to make my dad proud by studying. What else would I be doing better with my time? Hanging out with friends?” he laughs nervously and glances at his father who shakes his head no.
The Hughes family, who are lifelong members of the church, will be giving a fireside address entitled, “Machiavelli and Unrighteous Dominion” this coming Sunday at the Sparks Regional Center. More information can be found at the center’s website.