Richard Allington Becomes Sandy 697th Stake President
SANDY- Murray native Richard Allington finally completed his lifelong dream of becoming Stake President after winning the Sandy 697th Stake Presidency elections.

“It is a dream come true,” said the past Bishop, Elder’s Quorum President, Sunday School President, Deacon’s Quorum President, Teacher’s Quorum President, First Assistant to the Bishop, High Councilor, Chairman of the Activities Committee in both his singles and family wards as well as Executive Secretary. “Ever since I became Assistant to the President in la Misión España, Barcelona, I knew I could be one of the best leaders of the Church.”
Allington, who will be sworn in and sustained as stake president on Sunday, was unsure about his future callings but was excited about the present.
“I’m just pleased to be here and hopefully more people at the top will look at my résumé and see how righteous I am and help me move up even further,” the future stake president said.
His wife, Carrie, was also pleased with the news. “President Allington is a politician at heart,” said the mother of three. “It has been cutthroat from his first day as Deacon’s Quorum President but he has managed to claw his way to the top.”
Allington plans to keep the calling as Stake President until something “more prestigious” is vacated.
Richard Allington – 110
Moisés Rodriguez – 102
Joseph Gordon – 95
Fanny Alger* – 79
Mike Bray – 46
*Fanny Alger was unable for comment on her write-in ballot success as she is deceased.