LDS Video Game to Hit Shelves This Summer
“World of the Legend of Missionary’s Creed of Duty” will hit Deseret Book shelves this summer; much to the delight of gamers everywhere.
“World of the Legend of Missionary’s Creed of Duty” will hit Deseret Book shelves this summer; much to the delight of gamers everywhere.
“No unhallowed hand can stop missionary work from progressing; governments may shut down, distant nebulae may explode, extraterrestrial armies may assemble, software glitches may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every galaxy, visited every rock formation, swept over the desolate spaces and sounded where sound cannot physically exist, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished or until we need to cut costs.” -Revision to Wentworth Letter
BYU’s new Life Sciences Building will hold the BYU School of Dentistry. LDS church supports the project hoping to make missionary dentists.
This email from one of our readers encourages inflicting hardships on our local missionaries to build their faith through trials, matching the experiences found in most non-Utah missions.
The once picturesque scene of the Missionary Training Center will be under siege until missionaries come to terms with their callings.