Parrots and Snakes to Be Released in New Life Sciences Building
BYU administrators have confirmed that parrots and snakes will be released inside the building next week in an effort to make the Life Sciences Building a masterpiece of both architecture and human innovation.
“We had been thinking about what we could do to make this building an exciting adventure for anyone who walks in. First, we tried to make it feel like a jungle, but after putting all those trees inside, something was still missing,” said the building designer Charles Smith. “That’s when, in what felt like a vision, I saw a mighty parrot fly before my eyes.”

Visitors to the building may feel like they’re walking into a jungle, an Indiana Jones movie, or a temple from the Legend of Zelda. In reality, the addition of 1,830 trees to the building wasn’t just meant to make students feel like they’re living in Book of Mormon times, but was also meant to be a reminder of the year the church was officially restored.
“I received my call to serve a mission in Boise, Idaho, starting next year,” indicated Joshua Woodroof, a junior studying biology. “But I’ve always dreamed of exotic jungle lands. I’m grateful that I can have that experience while I’m still in Utah!”
The building is currently the greenest on campus, but will also have the most bird and reptile species in any building west of the Mississippi once the animals are released next Wednesday. Experts have also indicated that the release of these animals will turn this building into the most diverse place in Utah.