Teen’s “I’m a Mormon” Profile Pic Liked by Seven Other Mormons
PROVO – Over the last week, 16-year-old Emily Walker faced the difficult decision of deciding on a new Facebook profile pic. “I was having a hard time choosing between a cute picture of my playfully photogenic Siamese cat Sprinkles or a picture of me doing the duckface with a few of my friends,” Walker explained. “But then I remembered the many times we’ve been reminded to take the gospel to social media, and the burning in my bosom told me that none of my profile pictures were true,” continued Walker. “That’s when I changed my profile pic to the words ‘I’m a Mormon’ over a single cyan blue color.”

Each little red notification on Walker’s phone was a “spiritual confirmation that grew exponentially.”
“Sometimes we have to wait for the next life to receive our outpouring of blessings from the kingdom of heaven. This wasn’t one of those times,” she remarked while tears welled in her sincere eyes.
Emily Walker has never had a successful Facebook post. A link to “15 adorable cats, you’ll never guess what they did next” got only two likes; neither were from a Mormon. A webcam picture that enlarged the center of the image to make her have a comical face of giant eyes and a bulbous forehead earned her only two likes as well, but from different people than who liked the cat link. One was her sister.
The seven who liked the new profile picture varied in intelligence, kindness, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and age, but all share their beliefs in Mormonism. Bryce Walker, Emily Walker’s uncle, clicked Like because he was happy to see young people who aren’t afraid to stand up against the world for what is true. A peer of Emily who already had her profile changed to “I’m a Mormon” clicked Like because it confirmed that they both made a popular decision. Four Mormons liked the picture because they were proud to be Mormon too. Finally, the seventh person clicked Like accidentally while trying to scroll through their feed on the iPhone app.