MTV Announces “Real World: BYU”
PROVO – How about some “Real World” experience to put on that resume?
MTV announced today that the long-running reality show The Real World, would be changing locations from an incredibly diverse San Francisco to an incredibly white bread and homogenous Brigham Young University.

Mike Pollard, a non-committal make-out (NCMO) king of the various wards he has attended, was “stoked” to hear the announcement. “Bro, this is going to be sick. I’m definitely going to be hooking up with all the chicks on the show if I’m in, bro.”
After suspending former BYU student Julie Stoffer over 13 years ago, it appears as though BYU has gone through the necessary steps of repentance to be in good standing with the media conglomerate once again.
“We wanted MTV’s forgiveness because we’re doing big things here at BYU and in the Church,” said Mike McGaherty, Media Relations spokesman. “We built the City Creek Mall and we even started a TV show. We want to distance ourselves from that goody-goody or Puritan label. We want to keep that secular momentum going.”
McGaherty noted that, even though the show would be deemed evil because it associates with MTV, this edition of the Real World would explore BYU’s unique take of young adult life. Housing will still be separate for men and woman and participants would still have to live the honor code.
Real World: BYU will be broadcast from King Henry Apartments and will air on BYUtv in October.