Can’t Afford Tithing? Pay 10% at City Creek Mall
SALT LAKE CITY- The thought has crossed the minds of many Latter Day Saints: I can’t afford to pay 10% of my income to the church, but I can afford to spend 10% on luxurious, hand-finished Pandora jewelry at the City Creek Mall. This was the reasoning of Salt Lake’s Thomas McMammon, bishop of the Salt Lake West 135th ward, as he instituted the new ‘Shop for the Lord’ policy.
“My counselors and I have been seeking revelation on ways to increase the number of members that pay a full tithe. With the economic climate, many members feel their money is better spent on ‘wants’ such as credit card payments, college education, or 10 pound bags of wheat. Now they can ‘Shop for the Lord.’ When members spend 10% of their income at City Creek mall, the Lord gets His 10%, and the members get their ornaments, iPads, and earrings. Everyone goes home happy.”
When asked about the new policy, 135th ward Relief Society President Ashley began to cry and whispered, “Many people say they would die for Christ. Not everyone says they would shop for Christ.”
Susan Willson, a member of the Salt Lake West 135th ward said, “I plan on bearing my testimony every month till I die about the new City Creek tithing change. For the first time in our lives we can afford the latest Donny Osmond and Mormon Tabernacle Choir CD’s- truly a blessing of being a full tithe payer!”
If you hurry into Deseret Book within the next week with last year’s tax records, you can receive a 10% discount for spending 10% of your taxable income. Shop Manager Ellen Marksson comments, “We’re all about doing things in percentages of 10s.”

The Brethren have yet to release an official statement regarding this incredible idea. However, it is the opinion of this reporter that the Brethren will enthusiastically embrace this new policy as well as keep the current law of tithing as it is.